The Spanish government has underlined the increased efficiency, safety and competitiveness of these vehicles and pointed to the successful implementation of EMS trucks in other EU Member States. Spain is now the seventh state which has either started trials or has authorised full use of such trucks.
The European Modular System (EMS) is a solution that allows combinations of existing loading units – also called modules – into longer and sometimes heavier vehicle combinations to be used on some parts of the road network. EMS improves road freight transport efficiency and reduces its environmental impact. In practice, it allows national authorities to authorise trucks longer than the ‘normal’ maximum for a heavy truck of 16 meters in length and a weight of 40 tonnes.
The use of the modular concept in the EU results in increased efficiency of transport in general and road transport in particular. Indeed, based on standard modules, it provides the flexibility to adapt the vehicles to different situations. It also offers the possibility of using long combinations when possible, and shorter combinations when necessary. As it is based on existing equipment (vehicles and load units), it is easy to implement and very easy to rearrange to shorter combinations and to adapt to local conditions.
This approach to road transport was developed when Sweden and Finland joined the EU in the 1980s. For environmental and competitiveness reasons, it was difficult for both Sweden and Finland to apply the EU rules on weights and dimensions, as both countries had long permitted longer and heavier vehicles on their roads. In order to find a solution that would enable foreign transporters to compete on equal terms in Sweden and Finland, a compromise was reached to allow increased vehicle length and weight all over the EU on the condition that the existing standardised EU modules were used.