Leading haulier Eddie Stobart has taken delivery of 25 TGX 26.440 6×2/2 from MAN Truck & Bus UK on a repair and maintenance contract through MAN Finance.

Eddie Stobart Transport in Crick take delivery of their new MAN lorry cab, Josie Mae, named after the daughter of MAN Bus and Truck’s CEO. Pictured, Josie Mae Elliott (8) next to Stobart’s new cab built by MAN
And as the finishing touch to the groundbreaking deal for MAN one of the trucks is being named Josie–Mae after MAN managing director Simon Elliott’s eight year old daughter.
Mark Price MAN, international key account manager, said: “We are delighted that the TGXs have joined the Eddie Stobart fleet and are proud to see our vehicles on the road bearing that distinctive and much admired livery.
“It is a wonderful gesture for the firm to name one of the trucks Josie-Mae, after Simon’s daughter too.
“At MAN we are confident the vehicles will prove themselves on their reliability and efficiency over the coming months, and look forward to doing more business in the future.
Simon added: “I am pleased the TGXs are now part of the Eddie Stobart family and it was a wonderful gesture to allow Josie’s name to appear on the front of one.
“She is so excited to see it, and I am sure Josie and her brother, Cameron, will be keeping their eyes peeled to spot it when we are out and about as a family.”