New version of DKV eReporting

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DKV Euro Service, the leading service provider to the transport and logistics industry has released a new version of DKV eReporting. This new release of DKV eReporting provides companies with immediate insight in their DKV key figures regarding their fleet and now includes TIS PL reporting, VAT refund overviews and...
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Home » Europe » New version of DKV eReporting

DKV Euro Service, the leading service provider to the transport and logistics industry has released a new version of DKV eReporting.

ereporting_02This new release of DKV eReporting provides companies with immediate insight in their DKV key figures regarding their fleet and now includes TIS PL reporting, VAT refund overviews and eReporting Alert Reports. DKV eReporting is an online solution, thus no software installation is required. The basic version of DKV eReporting is available free of charge to all DKV customers.

DKV eReporting allows users with access the information system with a touch of a button to review, export and print information about DKV transaction data, toll passages, driving performance and consumption and CO2 emissions. The new release also provides insight into TIS PL billing (French toll) to analyse granted discounts, paid discount participation fees, On Board Unit fees, service fees on billed transactions, exit stations used and reclamations.

DKV has also included VAT Refund Overviews within DKV eReporting, allowing for detailed overviews of all VAT Refund applications across Europe, allowing to track refund amounts and dates. The last new feature introduced are the eReporting Alert Reports, a tool which will instantly detect and, if requested by the user, distribute an email warning in case of irregularities.

“As market leading service provider to the transport- and logistics industry it is imperative that we continue to invest in product- and services development,“ comments Gertjan Breij, Managing Director at DKV. “Earlier this year we launched the online DKV eReporting to replace the old, static transaction manager, allowing our customers to create, export, save and print individual, user defined reports. With these new functions we again prove that we listen to the feedback our customers provide us with to always remain a step ahead of the market.“


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